smaller elements when curvature gets bigger. Advantage of avoiding large curvature in milled elements and keeping elements relatively flat.
test of planar intersectionmodel on othogonal grid. not suitable for TPI mesh, because planes do not nescesarily intersect.
main principle of TPI, tangent planes always intersect when placed on a triangular grid unless planes are parallel
triangular grid made with VB-script in grasshopper as in Woojsung-tutorial.
TPI model with tangent planes. intersection of planes maybe needs another script, because intersection of only 2 or 3 planes at once is possible in grasshopper, but planes intersect with 4-6 adjacent planes
maybe the VORONOI option can be usefull
I'm not quite sure I understand what you're using the TPI method for. Is the assumption that if you consider facets bound by TPI that these are the best approximation of the surface? In that case Voronoi would be useful as a means to define facets, however Voronoi is not guaranteed to arrive at the same boundaries (since it doesn't use tangency as an input). Why not consider the triangles you generated themselves?